Forestry Services Ltd (FSL) are the First Private Forestry Company in Ireland to achieve ‘Dual Certification in Forest Management’.
FSL Group Scheme are Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™) certified, issued by Soil Association Certification Ltd. Andy Grundy from Soil Association congratulates FSL on their achievement – “FSL have shown great commitment to embedding certification knowledge in their team and we congratulate them on successfully gaining both FSC® and PEFC™ certification after undergoing the First Dual Certification Forest Audit in Ireland.”
Forest Stewardship Council and The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification are Independent, non-governmental, not for profit organisations that were established to promote Sustainable Forest Management globally. William Merivale PEFC Ireland said, “PEFC Ireland welcomes this development, a great achievement from all the staff at Forestry Services Ltd, a first for the private sector, a milestone in Irish forestry, congratulations to all the team.”
Certification verifies that a forest is managed sustainably. Providing reassurance to the customer and full traceability that the timber has been sourced from a sustainably managed forest. The seal of approval and labelling of timber products to a standard that equally represented the three pillars of sustainability – social, environmental and economical, protecting our natural resources for future generations to enjoy.
The timber supply from the private sector is increasing and Jim Hurley from Euroforest Ireland Ltd has noted, “The roundwood from certified forests, with associated chain of custody certification attract stronger market access and price. The differential between certified and non-certified roundwood price in the market will expand as the supply from the private sector increases.”
Mechteld Schuller from Commercial Forestry Services Ltd said, “It was a privilege to work with FSL on this journey to dual certification and I congratulate them on this significant achievement. The rewarding of dual certification reflects the quality of the systems and procedures put in place and represents an important development in the forestry sector”.
Forestry Services Ltd General Manager Tadhg Dooley concludes: “This is a proud day for our company. Dual Certification of adherence to the Best International Standards and Systems in Forest Management and Timber Sales is a confidence boost for both our team and our clients.”
“We are now welcoming new members to our Group Certification Scheme”