Forest Road Construction & Grants

forest road construction

Forest Road Construction & Grants

Forestry Services Ltd. provides a comprehensive forest construction service to all Forest owners in relation to the layout and construction of forest roads, and any associated special construction works. A proper road network is an integral and vital part of all forest properties. Grant aid is provided by the Forest Service for the construction of harvesting roads.

Grant Support for Existing Forests

The COFORD All Ireland Roundwood production forecast projects the roundwood supply will increase from 4.7 million cubic meters in 2021 to 7.9 million cubic meters by 2035. Mobilising this increased volume will require the construction of forest roads.

Forest road construction is subject to a licence from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). Grant aid for forest road construction of up to 100% of eligible costs is available subject to the following maximum amounts:

Forestry Services Ltd. Forestry Grants and Premiums, Forest Sales
Forestry Services Ltd. Forestry Grants and Premiums, Forest Sales
What is on offer

Grant Aid Provided

Qualification criteria

What We Provide

Our company secures approval from the Forest Service before any work commences. This involves

Each forest is assessed on its own merits and Forestry Services Ltd normally provides a turnkey service in both forest road construction and thinning.